Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Lazy Song!

That's right that song should probably my theme song for this month. I've been possibly the laziest person ever. I'd take a picture of my living room but I'm afraid someone would come take my dogs away from me! On the plus side though I have watched the first three seasons N.C.I.S and I loved every minute of it. I don't care what you think (Courtney)! I love that show! Don't think I'm stopping there either season four will be in my hands soon!!! I did make a few bows not as many as I wanted.

I've been wearing that cupcake one for like three days I'm in love with it! The rainbow one also is auhmazing! The lady bug bow is for a friend because she wouldn't shut up about it lol. The orange and navy is another softball one that hopefully will impress the boss's daughter! 

okay I'll admit I was a little scared of this at first.(as I should have been) Powder? and you just pour it in? Van tried it first but said nothing as I started pouring this devil powder down my throat. First I didn't think I was getting any so I tilted it up some more.....Little did i know this stuff is weightless and I had a mouth full before I realized! I coughed and the shit went flying everywhere!!! I can't say much for the taste either it seemed to linger on forever. Free samples are trying to kill me.
This one I've seen on lots of big jacked up red neck trucks lol. But it's still true!

I can't remember where this was from but as soon as Van seen it he had to put it on the PlayStation.

Writing this has made me a little less lazy like maybe I'll go make a few things...I doubt it though the t.v. just wont stop calling my name.

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