Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Lazy Song!

That's right that song should probably my theme song for this month. I've been possibly the laziest person ever. I'd take a picture of my living room but I'm afraid someone would come take my dogs away from me! On the plus side though I have watched the first three seasons N.C.I.S and I loved every minute of it. I don't care what you think (Courtney)! I love that show! Don't think I'm stopping there either season four will be in my hands soon!!! I did make a few bows not as many as I wanted.

I've been wearing that cupcake one for like three days I'm in love with it! The rainbow one also is auhmazing! The lady bug bow is for a friend because she wouldn't shut up about it lol. The orange and navy is another softball one that hopefully will impress the boss's daughter!